Too many Football Agents!

For this trial window we had, as football agents, been instructed by other agents who represented several high profile players.  We obtained our signed madate from the agents and duly lodged the agreement with the Football Association.

We then had issues with so called "other agents" who claim to represent the same player.  This is not uncommon.  As there is still no central register for players and their agents, there are all sorts of claims and counter claims as to who represents a player.

Needless to say it can be very difficult to communicate effectivley especially when dealing with players and so called agents from overseas who are not regulated.  Going forwad, the lack of regulation with overseas agents and the possibility of regulation being abolished or relaxed here means that there could be a "free for all" which surely will be damaging for the game.  Moreover, with football agents like us being compliant, it is harder for us to complete on a level playing field where rules are not followed.


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